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Possible Mod Idea


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Hi again. I was just thinking about how I've played Skyrim a million times since it came out, and now I would love to go to the Soul Cairn again, but I've recently started a whole new game and don't have any old saves left. So I wonder if it's possible to create a mod that allows you to go to places in the game you've already been so you don't have to go through the whole storyline again just to get there. (I think if I have to find and save Selena again I'll jump out the window) lol


Anyway, I'd love to see something like this if any of the modders are interested. Also, if it is something you're interested in, I think it would be cool to have this as an option for any of the larger storylines for players who've gone through them many times and just want to jump to the end.


Thanks so much for considering this, you guys,

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Good idea. I've never done that in Skyrim, can you tell me where to find the codes I'll need to do that? (I love the console but I've only used it to add items)


Thanks so much,


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