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Custom eyes not showing


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I recently re-installed DA:O and when to download a few eye packs cos i wanna have evil types eyes.


Im normally a Obliv and f03 player but DA looks excellent and achange of scenery, anyhoo I understand the

chargenmorphcfg.xml file is a BIG part for custom thingies and I try to edit it as being told too but the eye packs still not show up ingame.


The eye selections Are there I ment to say but they just Black.



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I even tried to install REN's Beautiful People hair but the head disappears only the face shows.


Sorry I am Noob to DA mods and should I change the shortcut or so?


Thanks and hopfully I will be adding to DA since I already added to Fallout and Oblivion.



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Almost all the Character Creator (CC) mods use custom entires in the "chargenmorphcfg.xml" file. The game only reads one copy of that file, so all the edits have to be consolidated into that one. You can do it manually, if you're careful and know what you're doing.


I am not, and don't, so I use Terra_Ex's great utility program: "CharGenMorph Compiler" on Nexus :thumbsup:


(The other issue known to cause "all black eyes" is accidently lowering your graphics settings. Always a good idea to check for that...)

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Ah I made sure that I tweaked all the settings to maximum as my cpu handles Fallout 3 with ease witch is a Graphics heavy Game. No lagness or anything.


I have managed to get a few eyes and hairs ingame to show now, just a matter of finding the right files to show.


I know armors can be installed via the daupdater and they show they installed in the downloadable content page.


Just need to see if they show up ingame next.


For now I thing Ill be find.



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Ah I made sure that I tweaked all the settings to maximum as my cpu handles Fallout 3 with ease witch is a Graphics heavy Game. No lagness or anything.


I have managed to get a few eyes and hairs ingame to show now, just a matter of finding the right files to show.


I know armors can be installed via the daupdater and they show they installed in the downloadable content page.


Just need to see if they show up ingame next.


For now I thing Ill be find.



Glad you got some of the mods to show up! To get the rest to function, be sure you also have any additional textures that the mod authors identifiy as necessary to make theirs work.


BTW 1: Being able to run Oblivion (or any other game) at "max settings" has very little bearing on Dragon Age, due to its unique game engine. Systems that have no trouble with most games run into special problems with DA. My own rig has a Quad-Core, 8GB RAM, and the nVidia GT 240 with 1GB VRAM, still have occasional CtD, lags, and (if enough AoE spells are active when it starts) lags-almost-to-lock-up when certain cutscenes transition into dialogue (I'm lookin' at YOU, Zathrian!)


BTW 2: There is nothing special about armour that requires it to be a ".dazip" file, installed with "DAUpdater". That's just one way of getting a collection of files that are designed to work together to be handled as a unit by the game.


Some mods use that method, some use the "files in the override folder" method, and others use the "DAO ModManager Override" method. There are pros and cons to each of these approaches. It usually just depends on the mod's author and what s/he is most comfortable doing.


Good Luck, and Happy Modding! :yes:

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