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Walking to Dinner on Eight


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Creepy, crawly, walking on all eight.

Hungry, thirsty, lusting to satiate.

Spinning, weaving, preparing next meal's fate.

Sinking, hiding, patient in wait.

Searching, scanning, near the lighted bait.


Flying, soaring, unsuspecting in flow.

Brightly, shiny, lighted interest starts to go.

Finding, wondering, nearing mysterious glow.

Suddenly, instantly, trapped by lethal sow.

Slowly, surely, death bringer starts to show.


Succulent, torment, enfold and embed.

Seeing, knowing, future hated with dread.

Fearing, fighting, black mistress once wed.

Puncture, rupture, fangs protrude neck under head.

Swelling, killing, venom stops them dead.


Sucking, gulping, till last drop of maroon.

Tasting, loving, no more hunger soon.

Feeding, drawing, under serene moon.

Shrieking, jarring, another caught baffoon.

Wrapped, trapped, saved for next noon.


Kudos if you like it!


Be well, sleep well, feed well, live long.


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Rhyming isn't hard. I find it the easiest of all poetry to write, however, when you are on a computer that, apparently, doesn't have Microsoft Word as a permanent program rather than a timed trial of usage, and you have no coffee, it's 0400 hours and you have a headache and no more cigarettes, you can really start to miss spell check, especially when the internet is down, and you aren't sure of "Shiny" is "Shiney" or not... It's always the simple ones that are hard.... Anyways, you should read my other poems. A link in my signature gives you a link to them all. This one was just pumped out so that I could have another poem for the day.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.



PS: Thank you both kindly for the compliments.

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Rhyming isn't hard. I find it the easiest of all poetry to write, however, when you are on a computer that, apparently, doesn't have Microsoft Word as a permanent program rather than a timed trial of usage, and you have no coffee, it's 0400 hours and you have a headache and no more cigarettes, you can really start to miss spell check, especially when the internet is down, and you aren't sure of "Shiny" is "Shiney" or not... It's always the simple ones that are hard.... Anyways, you should read my other poems. A link in my signature gives you a link to them all. This one was just pumped out so that I could have another poem for the day.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.



PS: Thank you both kindly for the compliments.


i will read them, but i think i will do it tomorrow (it's 0017 hours now, so kinda late)

i know what you mean about the Word spell checks, they don't really work for me either

though i don't smoke, drink coffee, or write poetry at 0400 hours, so that part i can only imagine, and it does sound rather bad......


most of my poetry was rhyming, but i think that without rhymes, you have much more freedom, because some words can really limit your options if you use them

still, in a way, it also helps you find the words you want to use, so it could really go both ways


anyhow, thanks for sharing your poem, and i will read the others in the morning


good night, and sleep well too


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Thank you, and good night my friend. I suppose it's just a matter of the individual. My brain has been losing... intelligence, I suppose... For the last 9 months. Slowly but surely I start to just get stupid. Which, unfortunately, affects my vocabulary more than anything else. I do not know what ailment I have, nor have I had it checked out, because I think it is something more mental considering the only affect is that I am dumbing down... SO when I want to write a poem that I actually care about and I am just not able to search for the words through my head I just read a bit of Gulliver's Travel by Jonathan Swift, or something by Stephen King, and slowly my vocabulary will temporarily return to a little bit of normality, however normality is not exactly normal... I've gone from someone who can talk and not have one word understood by anyone to someone who can barely even remember to use "magnificent" at anytime at all... It's a bit annoying... Lol... ANYWAYS I forget what I was talking about, and my coffee cup isn't even half empty so I'm not rereading anything.... >_<


I'd like to read some of your poetry if you have the time to link or post them.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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Thank you, and good night my friend. I suppose it's just a matter of the individual. My brain has been losing... intelligence, I suppose... For the last 9 months. Slowly but surely I start to just get stupid. Which, unfortunately, affects my vocabulary more than anything else. I do not know what ailment I have, nor have I had it checked out, because I think it is something more mental considering the only affect is that I am dumbing down... SO when I want to write a poem that I actually care about and I am just not able to search for the words through my head I just read a bit of Gulliver's Travel by Jonathan Swift, or something by Stephen King, and slowly my vocabulary will temporarily return to a little bit of normality, however normality is not exactly normal... I've gone from someone who can talk and not have one word understood by anyone to someone who can barely even remember to use "magnificent" at anytime at all... It's a bit annoying... Lol... ANYWAYS I forget what I was talking about, and my coffee cup isn't even half empty so I'm not rereading anything.... >_<


I'd like to read some of your poetry if you have the time to link or post them.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.



that ailment does sound bad.....

i guess we are all having something like that, but maybe you got too much of it

if i'll find a cure or treatment, i'll be sure to send it your way


and about my poetry, you can find most of what i wrote (and even that is very little) Here

i hope you'll enjoy it, and i hope even more to be inspired by your poems, and write more of my own

maybe even publish them here......


well, i'll sleep on that


good night, good friend

rest your mind, and let show you she's still very much with you



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Thank you, and good night my friend. I suppose it's just a matter of the individual. My brain has been losing... intelligence, I suppose... For the last 9 months. Slowly but surely I start to just get stupid. Which, unfortunately, affects my vocabulary more than anything else. I do not know what ailment I have, nor have I had it checked out, because I think it is something more mental considering the only affect is that I am dumbing down... SO when I want to write a poem that I actually care about and I am just not able to search for the words through my head I just read a bit of Gulliver's Travel by Jonathan Swift, or something by Stephen King, and slowly my vocabulary will temporarily return to a little bit of normality, however normality is not exactly normal... I've gone from someone who can talk and not have one word understood by anyone to someone who can barely even remember to use "magnificent" at anytime at all... It's a bit annoying... Lol... ANYWAYS I forget what I was talking about, and my coffee cup isn't even half empty so I'm not rereading anything.... >_<


I'd like to read some of your poetry if you have the time to link or post them.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.



I have the same problem.


Can't really explain what it is, but it's getting harder and harder to write.

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Great poem Ranokoa. I envy you and your rhyming skills. :P My vocabulary is terrible. Perhaps I should read more books...or study the dictionary. (Nah, that last one won't be very fun.)


I really liked the ending. Fantastic. So clever. :)


I have the same problem.


Can't really explain what it is, but it's getting harder and harder to write.


Writer's block, huh? I guess I'm fortunate, because I have not had one of those in a long time...I always feel inspired and excited to write whether it is my story here on the Nexus Forums or an essay for my college classes. ^^

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Great poem Ranokoa. I envy you and your rhyming skills. :P My vocabulary is terrible. Perhaps I should read more books...or study the dictionary. (Nah, that last one won't be very fun.)


I really liked the ending. Fantastic. So clever. :)


I have the same problem.


Can't really explain what it is, but it's getting harder and harder to write.


Writer's block, huh? I guess I'm fortunate, because I have not had one of those in a long time...I always feel inspired and excited to write whether it is my story here on the Nexus Forums or an essay for my college classes. ^^


No, not writers block.


I have no problem with coming up with ideas, it's the words I can't process. I use to spit them out like an industrial machine, but over time, I generally forget to use them and use simple words instead.

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