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Getting my staff's animation to work


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Alright, I have my custom staff modeled and everything, but I'm having difficulties getting the animation to work in-game.


I made an animation for this staff in blender, and I can play the animation on it in Nifskope, but it won't animate in-game. I am unfamiliar with animating in general, so I don't know how exactly to get this working.


When I animated it in blender, I didn't use an armature for any of the animation, just rotated/moved around the objects etc., I don't know if you have to have an armature, but I wouldn't think so.


Basically I'm just a little lost on this subject, soooo if anyone could at least point me in the right direction, it would be appreciated. :teehee:


EDIT: So it actually played in game, I just haven't noticed it till now. Although the only problem now is, the animation's not looping :pinch:

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