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Question About Audio


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I am pretty sure a topic like this exists somewhere but I was unable to find it. If you find it could you please link me and I will delete this topic, thank you.

Anyway onto the question. I have been using a mod I made over the past week but it was only for personal use and now i am thinking of posting it. (I made sure it was a clean mod from the start) When developing this for myself I had inserted copyrighted audio. Is it illegal to post a mod up with that audio included even though I would not benefit from it? Thanks

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Unfortunately, the recording industry has hired a bunch of rabid dogs as lawyers. :devil: And they go after anything they can remotely associate with using any part of copyrighted music. And even if it is only a snippet of one of their overly protected tunes they will go after you and TheNexus.


95% of all lawyers give the rest a bad name! Anonymous :thumbsup:

So the answer is NO, don't do that. If you do, you could be banned.

Bben46, Moderator

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