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Dovahworgen Race


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I would like to Request a Worgen/Dovah Race.


A Worgen body (based on the looks of the WoW Worgen).

with Dragonscales and Wings


as to the racials/perks

- Walk/running on hands and feet for even faster traveling down the roads and lands of skyrim

- Increased damage with bare hands.

- Dovahpowers and flying (like Bend Will, Jump higher/further, thundering sounds when shouting) and the ability to fly offcourse

- Nighteye

- Rage power

- higher resistance against dragonmagic/shouts

- Tough skin (who needs armor with the scales of a dragon afterall)


as for an added bonus/curse

- Blades are willing to let the dragon's live instaid of demanding to kill Paarthunax (he is your kind afterall and you're their Dragonborn :D)

- More friendlyness from Paarthunax/Greybeards

- Merchants that are beastly (argonians and such) give a 5% discount

- Vampires and Silverhands attack you on sight and hire bountyhunters to attack you (worgens are Werewolfs afterall :D)


Well i hope that someone is talented enough to make such an race, and feel free to reply on this topic if you have more idea's

and for the person/group that takes on this task, feel free to write me a message here or on skype (erotic.aeon) (without the ( )'s)

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