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Voice files in Mod quests not working. No dialouge just subtitles help


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Do those mods have voiced dialog? I don't know because I haven't played them. About 98% of Oblivion mods do not have voice-acted dialog. They just have subtitles. If a mod is a good mod, it will include silent voice files and lip movement files or instruct you to use Elys Universal Silent Voice.


If the mods you have came with voice files, be sure you installed them in the right place and did not rename the mod. If you rename your copies of the mods, it will break the connections to all the silent voice files.

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A Brotherhood renewed has some dialog that is not voiced and there for it includes silent voice files. I have this mod so I'm sure of this. I haven't tried the Golden Crest but it's clearly listed under requirements that you need Eyls Universal Silent Voice OBSE plugin or to download the additional silent MP3s in the files section if you don't want to use Eyls USV. So that lets you know the mod is not fully voiced. It's always good to read the documentation for each and every mod you install. Enjoy.
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