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Leveled-Item-List question


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Dear people of the community,


I have a question.


I was playing oblivion, and at some point it occured to me that all soldiers having silver swords is a bit much. So I decided to make the effort, and replace all their weaponry. Wanting to avoid having to open all those NPC's again, I made a leveledlist so I could easily replace their weapon again in the future if I wanted to. It simply contains a steel longsword for now.


So, I opened up all those NPC's, deleted their silverswords, and added their leveleditem weapon.


Now, ingame, appearantly all their silverswords are indeed gone. But there is no new weapon... nothing.


What am I doing wrong here, people? What am I forgetting? I'm not new to this, and as far as I can figure this is no different from any other leveledlist I worked with before. How could something so simple go so wrong?


I hope someone has an answer, and preferrably one which doesn't include me opening them all up again...


Thank you,


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Does your leveled list have the sword appear at level 1 and have a 0% chance of not appearing?


There could also possibly be problems with the changes not taking place immediately. You might have to start a new character, wait for everything to reset, or go visit new areas where you have not met the guards yet.

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Try going to an interior cell, or the Test Cell, and waiting 3 game days (72 hours). This will allow all cells to reset. This may or may not solve the issue but it's worth a shot since everything will refresh. It's a common procedure when adding mobs or other items to your game.
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Sword appears on level 1, 0% chance none...

Is a completely fresh game, I just exited the sewers.

I tried (just now) going to testhall and waiting for three days, did unfortunately not work either...

I tried changing a single soldier, removing my leveledlist and adding a sword directly. This, oddly enough, immediately shows up...? Getting a bit baffled here.

Oh, and I have no (other) mods activated at the time. Just oblivion, SI, and my esp.




Thanks sofar



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Without doing further research myself I'm not sure what else to suggest as this is not something I'm familiar with. I'm currently cleaning mods but maybe I'll get a chance later to dig around a bit and I'll try to help you find a solution. Until then, good luck.
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