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chracter on left side of the screen...help please :(


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hi guys...i've recently reinstalled Fallout 3 in hopes of trying some new mods...but for some reason my character is always on the left side in third person mode...this was not the case when i first played it. my first run through the character was perfectly center and i had little to no lag the whole way through. i cant seem to fix this...and i do play in third person mode most of the time....and for some odd reason..its actually causing me to lag despite having 100+ fps all the time. does anyone know whats causing this and maybe a fix?...this left side thing is really bugging me and the fallout 3 official forums havent been very helpful. i've tried running the game with and without mods with a variety of settings and fov...none of this fixes the character position..


thanks in advance for any help or info concerning this issue.

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Hmm, maybe wrong but I'm more than pretty sure vanilla FO3 3rd person view is 'over the shoulder' only.

To get the camera centered you have to use a mod;


There are a few of these mods and I've used this one quite successfully; http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=357


I do know that both FOOK2 and FWE have options in game that allow you to move the camera (left shoulder, right shoulder or center), as well.

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