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Effects of Streamline


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I know they lower setting whenever necessary but does this include anti aliasing? I noticed ridged edges on the character's body but when I check my Video settings it says that I'm at x4 AA which is very hard to believe. Looks like I have no AA, also just throwing it out there I also have Oblivion Stutter Remover if that affects anything related to my Video settings.
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There's actually a lot of detailed documentation included with Streamline.


Read the configuration guides that come with it, then go through and change each option to suit your tastes. You can completely configure the Streamsmoothing (FPS management) part of it, and tell it exactly which settings it can change to maintain your desired framerates, or even disable the module entirely if you don't actually need it.


Also, make sure that you heed the advice from the Oblivion Studder Remover author about making Streamline and OSR play nicely together. You have to adjust the FPS limits in both SL and OSR to be within approximately 10% of each other.

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Also, make sure that you head the advice from the Oblivion Studder Remover author about making Streamline and OSR play nicely together. You have to adjust the FPS limits in both SL and OSR to be within approximately 10% of each other.

or you can deactivate the streamline function in the first section of the config and let the stutter remover do the work


and i dont remember streamline deactivating the AA but to be sure check the module manager section in the config file and the critical section (almost to the bottom if i remember correctly) and if something says that alter the AA just turn it off (chage the 1 to 0)

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