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Vampire Lord Outfit


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I been looking forever, but no Mods have been created so that you can wear the Vampire Lord full Harkon Armor without being transform...


The closes thing I found was this one: Better Vampire Lord Transformation by Loshirai14


Yet it only works in transformation stage, and *Oh look, its an ONLY female version, what a surprise! ...* -_-


Sarcasm aside, Vampire Lord Outfit could be a Unisex wearable for all races and genders! This armor makes any Character look so cool, sexy and epic... specially if its made with the cool body mods out there for Females and Males.



Has no one ever thought of this, am I the only one? :'(


So here I'm hoping a talented Mod creator author could make this dream armor a reality for male and females of all races everywhere in Skyrim! ^_^


I know if someone makes this armor it be possibly one of the most endorse Sexy, Nude or Covered, Lore Friendly armor for any race, gender that is out there... as it cover soooooo many of the most requested aspects of Skyrim modding community...its like a win, win for everyone who loves skyrim...


NOTE: I'm willing to Mod it myself if anyone is kind enough to point me to the things I need and to the right direction!

Edited by 0zryel
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