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Hello you wascaly wabbits.


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Just posted my "Hi i'm new" at the newbie forum, so decided to say hi here too.


Err...hi! *wave*


Love the work you guys have done, spent most of my weekend adding stuff to FO3 and love the outcome. Makes my game of the decade even more decady :P


All mods(i've used) seem to add without feeling like mods, fit the world and overall keep the immersion at bay and even better (ammo weight, xp limiter, weather, karma revamp etc, brilliant stuff).


So, i did have a point to this thread too, beyond the "Hi thar" thing; Is there a way(beyond posting screenshot of FOMM list) to see if i'm running my mods in right order?


Otherwise, i'm planning on starting my modding "career" with FO3, seems it's a good platform to do so. I've got a background in game design/dev so, it's kinda in my blood. Any help ofcourse is appreciated to avoid things that others have faced ;)

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Hi :)

Good to have another modder on board, the best advice I can give is just dive in there and experiment! Study the original Fallout scripting and databasing to see how Bethsoft have done things, and use that as a basis for creation. Anyways, good to hear from you, and hope you have fun!

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Thanks for the welcomes, will try getting my baby steps in gear and maybe get some gear ingame ;)


Starting with some non-brain power needing graphic changes, just to see how things work.


Speaking of which; anyone have an idea how to, for example, change only the player texture? Changing the female texture for example seems to apply to all.


I'm guessing the answer is "no way to change just the pc" :P

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I'm guessing the answer is "no way to change just the pc" :P


The answer is, create a custom race for your PC and add custom textures to this race. You can even use different body mods for it. Fairly simple :thumbsup:


Oh, well that's refreshing :D


Usually i expect some kind of three page explanation on how the multithreaded hyperbolator needs to be recalibrated to the passive neutroninhibitor :P




EDIT: Oh one little question, while on the subject; Is texture changing really as simple as "open dds, edit, save dds, enjoy bunnyimage on your armor"? Or does it need more to, for example, work for others?

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Yeah i got paint.net, seemed like a nice addition to "my free stuff to play with" :D


Managed to complete my first retexture thing(tat work), retextured the demonized body(i think that's the one) with some pics from net(modified to fit what i want ofc, couldn't be bothered to draw them). With some other mods(alternate clothing which i can't remember where it's from), some kikai stuff and hairmod(which i think everyone has). I like the result, own taste so ofcourse i do :P




Can't really see the legtat that well, should post a seminude pic for that. Basically a dragontribal that goes from upper leg->ankle.

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