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Quest Bug


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Hello TESers,


I'm currently working on my epic (size-wise) mod, Deities of Xylaasium. The first quest is given to you by Azalia Tarag (aka 'Imperial Courier') to go to Captain Rellan (aka 'Guard Captain'). I have followed dozens of tutorials on how to make a quest but have the same problem whichever method I try.


When you speak to the Courier, she says everything exactly how I want her to say, what I want her to say. However, when the player speaks to Rellan he acts the same way as any other NPC in the game, with the same dialogue and everything. Here's the information on him:


XARellanGreeting: GREETING

Requires: target = no, GetIsID AKCaptainRellan == 1.00

Choices: XARellanRecruitEnd


XARellanRecruitEnd: Recruitment

Requires: target = no, GetStage QuestID XA01 == 10.00 (for the end of the quest)

Requires: target = no, GetStage QuestID XA01 == 20.00 (for when you've finished the quest)


The map marker is set to him also.


Hope you can help =o

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Hello TESers,


I'm currently working on my epic (size-wise) mod, Deities of Xylaasium. The first quest is given to you by Azalia Tarag (aka 'Imperial Courier') to go to Captain Rellan (aka 'Guard Captain'). I have followed dozens of tutorials on how to make a quest but have the same problem whichever method I try.


When you speak to the Courier, she says everything exactly how I want her to say, what I want her to say. However, when the player speaks to Rellan he acts the same way as any other NPC in the game, with the same dialogue and everything. Here's the information on him:


XARellanGreeting: GREETING

Requires: target = no, GetIsID AKCaptainRellan == 1.00

Choices: XARellanRecruitEnd


XARellanRecruitEnd: Recruitment

Requires: target = no, GetStage QuestID XA01 == 10.00 (for the end of the quest)

Requires: target = no, GetStage QuestID XA01 == 20.00 (for when you've finished the quest)


The map marker is set to him also.


Hope you can help =o



With your recruitment dialog for Rellan, do you have the conditions ANDed together or ORed together (i.e. when you look at the Conditions table for the dialog is the last column AND or OR). If it is AND, you need to change it to OR. There is no way that GetStage QuestID XA01 == 10.00 AND GetStage QuestID XA01 == 20.00 can be true.

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This still doesn't work =/ Here's some screenshots (Photobucket is laggy, will upload in a moment)






The thing is, the two conditions aren't on the same speech, of course.


In that case, who/what is responsible for making sure that GetStage QuestID XA01 == 10.00 can be true - who initializes the quest stage?

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This is all getting a 'bit' confusing =d Have a look at the file - The quest is under 'XA01'.


If you could send me the fixed file, with an explaination of what I did wrong and what you did to fix it, that would be a HUGE help <3

Of course, this is the only thing hindering my progress =/


I had a bit of time to do a quickie examination and I believe that your problem is that you have Rellan's GREETING dialog in XARellanGreeting instead of GREETING so Rellan will never use it. Add his greeting to the GREETING topic and add a condition to it so that it only triggers if getstage XA01 < 10.


I also noticed a zzzzzzzzzzzzDump quest which I assume is trash? If it is, I recommend that you use TES4Edit to delete it (CS only marks it as deleted which is not the same thing).

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