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Changing the music that loads in a single building?


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Hey there, I hope I've posted this in the right place!


Basically I'm trying my hand at using console commands to edit one of the abandoned bungalows in Jacobstown to make it more hospitable. It's going pretty well so far, but I'd like to alter the piece of music that loads when I enter my bungalow (since the default music for the Jacobstown area is a bit creepy) and I'm struggling to work out how to use the PlayMusic console command. Can anyone help?

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I've done it in AKH a couple of times, and remember having some trouble. I am assuming your script seems fine, but there's no sound in game?


I think that your music file must be encoded as: CBR mp3, not VBR. It may also need to be 2 channels (stereo).


I am using 44.1khz and 128kbps, but vanilla seems to be 48khz and 192kbps. Both work, so maybe that part doesn't matter.

Edited by Hemingway308
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Actually, I probably need to make myself a bit clearer. I want to use one of the other pieces that are already a part of F:NV, but I'm having trouble working out how to actually make use of the PlayMusic command in the first place. The end result I want is to permanently change the piece of music that plays in one location to a different piece from the F:NV soundtrack.


I can find the music ID codes in GECK (I think) but beyond that I'm not sure exactly how to go about this.

Edited by seeyoshirun
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