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soul gem rifle (mod concept)


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Ok I have had this idea for a while now, but really suck at convaying ideas. Anyway the idea is for a dwemer weapon that loads petty soul gems as ammo, this weapon would load like a top tube shotgun, and would fire off spells based on enchantments to the weapon.



the default weapon would load 4 soul gems on reload and would not be able to be reloaded if the player has less then 1 soul gem with a soul. after reload the player just aims an fires, if not enchanted the weapon fires the soul gem wich explodes after impact (soul gem destroyed a few fragments found on impact area or target) if inchanted will explode dealling the effect basicly making this thing a high impact spell launcher.


the only problem with my concept is the fact I don't know how to mod, or even how something like this would look... or if it would be lore friendly.

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well really it would be a REALLY REALLY high cost staff XD

not lore friendly but cool lol

if you could have an NPC explain it as an old dwemmer project.

"you see its this strange dwemmer thing I found. its a tube...heavy here as to not tear apart when used. cram a soul gem in there and the plate here is enchanted. it uses the soul gem in here to power a burst of fire which propells the now enchanted soul gem into the target. the enchanted soul gem expells all its power all at once not only destroying itself but expelling all the power within through the simple enchant all at once...costly yes but effective..."

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