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reactions mod


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basically I am hoping for a mod that will better the NPCs reaction, sure this would require some voice acting and such but I am just tired of all my followers speaking only when you interact with them or when you happen to see something huge and beautiful and out comes the "oh look at that"

it would be great if your npcs would be more realistic. if you straight up murder someone they would stop and look at you

"what the hell is wrong with you, I dont care what you paid me...you are all kinds of f*#@ed up"

and then they attack you. unless they are cool with murder XD

take someone along who is ok with it like Ciciro and you murder someone, he goes

"oh lovely lovely LOVELY!!...such beautiful colors listener, you are an artist!"

though i think he does that stuff anyway XD

I just want it more immersive.

if you give a septim to a poor hobo an orc follower would comment on how the weak deserve to be weak, and a priest would comment on your kind heart, pull off a good pickpocket and a khajiit or fellow theif would chuckle and comment on your slieght of hand or how petty it was that you had to pick such an easy target.

just the better reactions mod.

now i know there is one out there, though if I remember correctly its not to the level in which I would like, as in it just recycles other voices and makes them more chatty. but never the less I could use a link to it because I totally forgot where it was and what it was called.

in the end I could even just go for a voiceless reaction of just subtitles and some proper reactions to make the game more immersive.

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