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problem with mage spell trees


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any chance someone out there might help me figure out what possible mod might have caused this error. i can't seem to get rid of it and it only occurs on mages. also happens on a new game. you can see I have the last row of the spells duping but just the first one and the rest are blank.


using char respec, advanced tactics, detailed tooltips, gift guides, ftg uimod and ostegar and awakenings installed






appreciate any help. game seems to be ok it's just driving me nuts.

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I had a problem with some mage talents not showing up in a mod......blue mage style monster casting....and it was caused by some of the files in the Dragon age rules fixpack. I would check to see which mods you have "do something" to mage talents like the rules fixpack does. Like the Shale fixs in that fix pack caused the animation and some of the talents not to show up. That was for new talents though....I haven't seen vanilla ones disappear like that but the theory of overrides causing the problem is sound. I would start there.
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I have the same issue with mine although I just ignore it and don't use it. Only mods we have in common is the UI mod (not counting Ostagar and Awakenings as they shouldn't affect that.)



I think it's possible that right about when I started using FTG (a beta at that time bout a year ago) this might have occured. I haven't tried a fresh install without it but I'm guessing it's in my savegame now. Removing FTG fresh saving and loading didn't have any affect.



thanks for the ideas XTR3M368. removing all my overrides didn't seem to have an affect.

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