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Add a item from one mod to another


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I have started to build my own vault, and it's not suppose to have any number on the doors, and there is no blank clean sliding doors, and I need one.

I have downloaded a working blank door, but it's on its own mod, and I tried to use the doors in my mod, but after I saved and opened the vault again today and all the doors are gone :/ So I'm wondering how do I take that door from that mod over to my mod (And yes, I'm allowed to use the doors)


And I'm sorry if it is one of the links, I must have missed it :/

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well, as far as i know, there are two ways for you to do it

the one way is to just make the mod that adds the doors as a master for your mod, which means that one must have that mod in order for yours to work

if that mod only adds these doors, it is fine, but if it adds more items, ones that you don't use, then you should do the other way


the other way is to re-create the doors in your mod

that means that you must re-create the item, with meshes and textures, as it is in that mod

i'm not quite sure how doors are made, but if they are like normal items, then you should be able to make a new instance of a door, and just give it the blank door textures from that mod


i hope this helps

if it's not good enough, i'll see if i can help you better

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