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Zombie Apocalypse Variety


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The "Zombie Apocalypse" mod, is really a great mod, my only problem is that there is no variety to it. All of the zombies are the same, I would prefer it to be more like Resident Evil, where you have your basic zombies, and then you have the mutated creatures, such as the big axeman in the latest movie, or the long armed scary things in "Resident Evil: Code Veronica", or as you might find in resident evil 4 and 5. So I would like to make a request that adds variety to this mod of the sort mentioned. And maybe even adding a small difference to the general zombies in the mod... just tired of seeing all of the same looking zombies in the same looking suits. This is my request, I hope someone can do it!
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Thanks! Ok, now if you know anything that can give me scary gruesome monsters as in like resident evil. If you know any mods for that, it would be nice too. However the pyramid head, and the hell creatures mod, I already tried, and for whatever reason, they crash my game.
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Yeah, I use MMM just that it won't add creepy/scary creatures really.. as for stalker mutants, they aren't too bad, I am going to try them out. Thanks! Anyone else who can recommend a mod, I would love to hear it.
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