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Weapons for my mod


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I was wondering if anyone was willing to make some new (meshes and textures) for a mod im working on. I would like a crossbow (if you know a site for one just post it) and a longbow (but keep it oblivion). also a few new swords and daggers. Full credit will be given.
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well, there is already a crossbow mod here

saved you the search, it is HERE

you will notice, however, that the animations don't look very realistic

that is because it is using the normal bow animations (crossbow animations would be really hard to make......)


also, if you want people to make items for you, you might want to give a better description than 'new swords and daggers'........

what kind of items do you want to see created?? are they based on pictures?? if so, post the pictures, if not then at least describe the items.......


i hope that you understand that i am trying to help you here, not make you look stupid or anything....... :happy:

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i understand, and thanks. to be more specific i would like the person to be imaginative and come up with there own ideas. I am being very vague i know. Okay so the sword should be a longlongsword looking like steel, (fine) with a hilt kinda like aragorns from lotr. if you havnt seen the movie... actualy i have an action figure of him and i can take a pic of the sword. not shure how to show it though. :sad:
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