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FACTION to keep DeadNPCs around for longer than Vanilla


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Driving me nuts, but I could swear I read once that there's a Faction you can add to an NPC to prevent it from disappearing on the gameEngine's "deadCount" cleanup cycle. This is especially interesting to me as I use the ComplexScene Markers which remove some NPCs, literally, the minute they die for performance concerns.


It's one of those things that, when I read it, I said to myself that I should write it down or keep it for another day... today is that "other day" and I can't for the life of me remember where I saw it.


List of Factions are too long to read and search results for "dead NPC" and the like yield results that are, predictably, long and unhelpful.


I could script it, I guess, but my mind is stuck on the notion that it already exists in game somewhere...


Anyone know what I'm talking about?

Edited by MyGoodEye
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