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Emotional / "RP feeling" quests!


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So, what quest(s) do you get the best "RP feeling" from? we all have our favourites :D!


I have to say i really like the Brecilian forest quest, especially the ending! I always support the werewolves and everytime they turn back to humans i get goosebumps haha, can't help it.. It's just something about that story.


Another favourite is the Broodmother part of the deep roads, love how the tension sort of builds up with those "verses" on your way to her


"First day, they come and catch everyone.

Second day, they beat us and eat some for meat.

Third day, the men are gnawed on again."etc..


The first time i approached her it was one of the most epic gaming experiences i've ever had! also love how the surroundings get more and more f***ed up the closer you get to her, there's like meat just laying around everywhere, she's loathsome and i love it!

Hell, the entire deep roads are quite awsome, The anvil of the void / branka story.. Just think that the rest of the deep roads are kinda boring, those gray caverns.. it's just to long, especially since there's like no changes in the enviorment.


And most side quests in denerim, just hangin' around in the city gives a nice RP feeling, hoping for bigger citys in DA2!


What are your favourites? and why?

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For me I don't really feel any of the Dragon Age game is very RP-ish to me. Because I don't want my character to be a stern, serious and fearless character; in the broodmother's lair I would be scared SHITLESS, and so should my character be.

It is disappointing how limited the game has been made because of the dialogue. Because of the way it's been written you can only play a complete a**hole, or a goodie-too-shoes. And in either personality your character is still serious and stern.


I'll feel like it's role-playing when I can play a character who can joke around and be stupid, a little bit of a scaredy cat and who has a personal quest to kill the Archdemon (but then that's why I'm writing a fancomic lolz).

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So, what quest(s) do you get the best "RP feeling" from? we all have our favourites :D!



What are your favourites? and why?


If I had to pick a favorite and it is a difficult choice, it would be the search for Sten's sword. It's not because it is any great thing or provides a great material reward, it's because it humbles a giant and (at least in my perception) leaves me feeling the greatest amount of gratitude out of any of the others, main quest included.


Because of the way it's been written you can only play a complete a**hole, or a goodie-too-shoes. And in either personality your character is still serious and stern.


I'll feel like it's role-playing when I can play a character who can joke around and be stupid, a little bit of a scaredy cat and who has a personal quest to kill the Archdemon (but then that's why I'm writing a fancomic lolz).


I have to disagree with that summation because I can play a conflicted and confused underachiever that regularly makes questionable decisions; one that is neither an anal pore nor the effete holier than thou twit. I regularly offer Lily my condolences for being Jowan's lady-friend, suggest to Alistair that wearing a dress and dancing down the darkspawn line is a good idea or that he should let the darkspawn know they are in the wrong place. I've also asked him if he knows how to write and inquired if his mother is a 5 letter word for a female dog. Whenever the opportunity presents itself, I always go for the punch line or take the opportunity to be the smart-a**.

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Because of the way it's been written you can only play a complete a**hole, or a goodie-too-shoes. And in either personality your character is still serious and stern.


I'll feel like it's role-playing when I can play a character who can joke around and be stupid, a little bit of a scaredy cat and who has a personal quest to kill the Archdemon (but then that's why I'm writing a fancomic lolz).


I have to disagree with that summation because I can play a conflicted and confused underachiever that regularly makes questionable decisions; one that is neither an anal pore nor the effete holier than thou twit. I regularly offer Lily my condolences for being Jowan's lady-friend, suggest to Alistair that wearing a dress and dancing down the darkspawn line is a good idea or that he should let the darkspawn know they are in the wrong place. I've also asked him if he knows how to write and inquired if his mother is a 5 letter word for a female dog. Whenever the opportunity presents itself, I always go for the punch line or take the opportunity to be the smart-a**.


True you do get some jokes, but they are limited. There are plenty more that you can say sarcastically but the NPCs ALWAYS take it seriously (and get upset), even if you click on it laughing and there's no choice afterwards to say you were joking >.>.

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  • 2 weeks later...

- The Pilgrimage, especially the riddles. Everything about Andraste somehow makes me feel elated.

- The Funeral. I cried.

- Connor. <profanity>, Connor. I have to pay greatest respect to Isolde's voice actor. Her begging always tears me apart. And when I discovered that you can convince her to kill him by herself, I had to hit Alt+F4 because I just couldn't bear it anymore.

- The Landsmeet, especially as a Human Noble.

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- Connor. <profanity>, Connor. I have to pay greatest respect to Isolde's voice actor. Her begging always tears me apart. And when I discovered that you can convince her to kill him by herself, I had to hit Alt+F4 because I just couldn't bear it anymore.

^^ This ^^

And many, many more.


The way Alistair talks about Leli: how sad she looks when she doesn't think anyone's watching, for example.


And speaking of great Voice Acting... Ms. Black really does a number on me with that catch in her throat whenever Morri says "Thank you", and means it. I had to hit "Pause" as we were heading through Ft. Drakon to the Final Battle when she said "If things had been different... we might have been..."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Playing through the Unrest in the Alienage quest as a City Elf has to be one of my favorites as you finally get to go home and show your friends and family how far you've come... not to mention how the quest ends.


Also, the conversation you have with Morrigan right before the battle for Denerim. How my character reacts depends a lot on how the game has unfolded up till then.


I also think there's a lot of RP-ness to be had with Return to Ostagar, especially depending on who you decided to bring in addition to Alistair and Wynne.


And, yeah, the Broodmother creeped me out, especially because I came to it around 2 in the morning after what was already a marathon session through the Deep Roads.


I also thought that Leliana's Song had a lot of RP potential. I wish Sketch showed up in the regular game!

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Tthe game starts off great and seems to offer a lot of RP fun. But after Ostagar -impressive battle cinematic- it gradually deteriorates into a pretty linear game. Sure, you can choose where to go next. But it's always Do this, Get that, Kill him, Save her. I would've been thrilled if the makers had introduced more clever ways to make you have to accept certain quests -such as gathering your Treaty bound allies. Now you simply have to go either with Bhelen or Harrowmont. It would have been nice if you could've chosen to let Orzammar deteriorate into the pending Civil War and then come back to have the "victor" seriously weakened. In order to be an ally that is useful and has enough strength you need to scour the deep roads looking for stuff that would bolster the dwarven troops. Or -preferably- a better storyline that would then force you to find Branka.

Or simply refusing tot help the Dalish; go back to Eamon and tell him that the Dalish do not wish to uphold their end of the treaty or make a sacrifice that would leave their clan vulnerable but still send troops. Then a conversation with Eamon who insists that more allies are required and urging you to aid the Dalish. Since you already got the Urn to save Eamon -regardless whether you saved Redcliffe or not- he thinks you're capable enough to do whatever it takes to get the job done. Small and seemingly insignificant things that almost seem completely redundant, but that would've made my RP experience in DAO more palatable and interesting.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think it depends on the Origin, most of all. I like playing a mage for this game, a twin blade wielding mage, for that matter, haha. But when I'm doing Mage Origins, it's always going to be the The Broken Circle, or anything relating to Jowan. Since that is the origins, the very start of the character, and he/she will never forget their roots. Unless they hit their head... Alistair?

With the Mage Origins what got me most was during the Sacred Ashes quest, when you're up looking for the ashes. After you pass the Guardian, and all the riddles, you come to a brief moment where you see Jowan. And what he says really seems to be a punch to the gut there from my character's perspective. If anything, he was the first friend of the character, or even love interest (not that his oblivious self will realize it anyhow). Or with Uldred, how he just wanted to get out but ended up making things worse. Cullen, subjected to be tormented while his fellows perished. And the tower never gets finished (minus Awakenings). I think this one is my favorite.


Human Noble, course it's going to be with the family. First time I played all I wanted to know what "Where the hell is her brother?!" and seeing the death of the wife and son of the brother, it sucked. Confronting how probably sucked even more, it could of made more of an impact if it was a personal duel of some kind. I didn't feel like my Human Noble avenged them at all. Not to mention in that role it seemed more like I had the duty of making sure Alistair was alright, crowned, or whoever got the crown in general was someone who would lead well, in better representation of the humans, etc.


Dalish Elf, definitely Tamlen's encounter at the campsite. That... Was awful. Especially since the entire freaking party gangs up on him, you can't even give the final blow unless you just jump him quickly. But that was a lot of good dialogue, that felt like an actual closing.


I'd love to say helping Connor, but considering there isn't much afterwards, conversation-wise and what not from him or the family, it's just not as fulfilling. Saving Redcliff was great, though. But the doomed Lothering just sucked. Poor people.


To me, I separate myself from the character that is made in the game. I am a writer (big whoop), character creation and customization is important, as is the persona, relations, and story. I'm not going to do playthroughs with the same intentions of being a dick or an angel. Do it how the character wants to be done. So it varies with me and the characters I have.


If I have to say anything, my rogue Dalish Elf, is there is any point of his "touchy feely" sort of moments... It's with Morrigan. Not just with Tamlen, but definitely the Morrigan moments, when she vanishes, or in Witch Hunt when he goes through the mirror with her. Definitely those.


I like all your replies though, definitely a lot of views. Very interesting, folks. :D

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