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big fps drop with "distant buildings" setting


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I'm suffering a rather big fps drop when I activate the distant buildings setting.

When I deactivate it things run smoothly, but I would rather like to keep the setting, as I like to gaze at Cyrodiil's beautiful landscape on occassion ;)


I have several mods installed ( about 140 esps) but most are quest or gameplay related and shouldn't impact performance.


Here are my machine specs :


Windows 8.1 64 bits

Intel Core i7-3630QM

CPU 2.40Ghz (can go up to 3.2 Ghz in "turbo mode")


NVidia GeForce GTX 675M


I do have an ENB setting installed but not QARL texture pack, and all the same I feel that my machine should be able to cope. I've played around with streamline a bit to no avail.


Basically my question is: is there a way to enhance performance: be it CPU or RAM?


Any help will be truly appreciated ;)



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