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Missile Silo WIP Input


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Basically I'm looking for some input in this missile silo project I've been working on. I'm looking for some creative ideas. I want to know what would be better, a 1950's normal house as the entrance? maybe a larger exterior at nellis? Should it be a player home or quest location? Where should the missile strike? And am I missing anything.


So far I have,

Launch control room

generator room

liquid fuel pump room

general lounge

various storage compartments

misc machine rooms

silo maintenance level

computer mainframe


I dunno just seems sorta dry to me so far, seems like its lacking something



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Hey Chad95, hope you don't mind but I have a couple of ideas for you:


1. Size of silo - this part actually determines a lot of what I think you are having trouble with. If this is just a small single missile silo somewhere in the middle of a cornfield, then it doesn't need much past what you already have either than a main entrance, an armory, barracks, and maybe an airlock. On the other hand, if you are trying to make a massive military base, you should look at something like the missile silos in Lonesome Road, which are entire bases built around multiple silos. You might also consider adding something like a hanger as part of the construction in addition to those areas I mentioned previously.


2. Location - like I said above, if this is a single missile silo - then you can place it pretty much anywhere in the gameworld, just making sure that there is appropriate room for the silo hatch (even if camouflaged). If this is a major missile base, then it wouldn't really make sense to have it in a well traveled area or known military location like Nellis AFB as those would probably be hit by an enemy's first strike. For example (in either case), if you're going to place this in Zion Valley, I would recommend having a more concealed entrance; whereas it would just be another military base in the Lonesome Road map.


3. Quest or other - I suppose it all depends on what you want to accomplish with the mod. If you think you can make a quest mod based around a missile silo then by all means go for it. If you just want a location with just a couple of notes here or there for background, that's fine too. If the player will have the choice of using the missile, then you're going to have to determine where it will hit and what impact it could have on the game world - and you have several examples with Lonesome Road on what changes you would need to make.


4. Cell Layout/Design - so I can't really tell much just based off of one image, but the one thing I will say is that the lack of general clutter (and or rust), gives the place a rather sterile feeling. Even if the place was completely sealed off for 200+ years, some damage could have occurred, either via flooding or burrowing creatures (like giant ants, molerats, or tunnelers) which means that you need a reason for everything to remain clean - such as worker robots or human engineers. I should also mention that you might want to plan out the layout in advance so that mod's cells don't overlap one another.



I hope this helped you and I'm looking forward to what you come up with.

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I'm thinking more of a hidden silo.A large base would be cool, but I'm would be hard find a place for it in New Vegas.I was thinking maybe putting it in the jacobstown area. I'm aware of the lack of clutter that needs to be added. And yes after the nav mesh is made there will be a ghoul crew and eyebots. I was thinking some of the rooms were too large so I'm going compact some of them.
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Ok, that's fine. I looked up some images online, and the silo's in question are shaped like gigantic cylinders, basically with all the rooms curving around the missile. Here's are some artist's rendering of a converted silo (someone bought a silo and made it into a home):






You don't have to follow that design, but it might give you some ideas. You also should consider using Speedy's Resources (with permission) if you want some additional resources.

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Here I'll upload what I have so far in geck in a minute but yeah that's what it's based off of there is four floors and in the center is the giant cylinder containing the missile. There's off shoots off the rooms for misc utilities ect. I was wondering if I should use like a couple buildings such as an office building military warehouse or regular house as the way to enter the facility
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