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Have you ever overdosed?


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On any kind of drug? I did once, I accidentally overdosed on some over the counter sleeping medication (diphenhydramine), and it was terrible. I got really, really sick and I had to stay in the hospital overnight.


It was just awful. I was drifting in and out of consciousness, it was messing with my short term memory so I was extremely delirious and confused, my mouth was parched dry and no amount of water I drank would help it, my whole body felt so heavy and numb that I couldn't move, I was hallucinating, I was shaking all over, and I had a lot of trouble telling what was real and what wasn't. Heck, I don't have very many specific memories of that night.


Probably the scariest part was how it affected my memory, and how it made me see things that weren't there. I remember I kept thinking I was at school for some reason, I swear I kept seeing all kinds of weird things, and people I knew from school walking by my bed. I kept asking if I could go and get my clothes from the change room, and Dad kept getting annoyed with me and saying, "You're not at school, you're at the hospital!"... horrible, horrible, horrible. It was just one of the worst things I've ever experienced.



Dad said one of the nurses wasn't very nice to me because I said something rude to her, but I was so out of my mind I don't even remember. However I behaved or whatever I said, I feel bad about and wish I could have apologized.



Of course, I'm never going to be so stupid to let something like that happen again.,,




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Yeah, with wine. It happened just one day before I turned 17. I drank a 2 L bottle of wine in less than an hour and an hour later I was so wasted I could not remember where I am or how I got there. 2 of my best friends where there with me, so I can say I was lucky, becouse they took me home. That was also the last time I got drunk with wine, beer is a lot more fun! :laugh:
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Oh yea. Plenty of times and even on purpose. That being because of my bipolar disorder, trying to see Pearly Gate a little earlier than anticipated.

The worse one I was in a coma for some days, no dreams, no nothing at all. I woke up believing I was in Sweden (though I´m from DK). I´m even rather sure that everybody talked Swedish. My memomry took many days to reestablish, and my body was weak for weeks.

I was so close to dying, but yet here I am.

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