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Legendary skill perks


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When you can reset your skills via the legendary skills feature, there's really no need to give us a finite number of skill perks. There's 251 skill perks in vanilla skyrim, but that's because there were only supposed to be a maximum of 80 perk points to go around, at first.


Now that there's no maximum level, there's no reason to be stingy on perks offered.


But then again, the legendary skills feature doesn't require you to level up any particular skill multiple times to get all the perks, either. This was clearly just thrown together by Bethesda so that the fans would shut up. You can get from level 81 to level 252 in about twenty minutes, gaining all perks for all skills, just by spamming the Illusion spell Harmony. Spamming illusion doesn't give you all the illusion perks; it gives you all the perks, period!


I have an idea that not only would let you go all-out with your skill perks, and be especially generous with them, but would also give you an incentive to reset ALL your skills that way, not just the ones you can level the easiest.


How about a mod that gives you extra perks that require a certain "legendary" status. That is ... perks that not only have a skill requirement to unlock, but also require that skill to have been reset to 15 a certain number of times. So, if a perk "requires 70 skill and 2 legendary," that means you'll need to get that skill up to 100 twice, reset it to 15 twice, and get it back up to 70 on your third time around, in order to unlock that perk.


Chances are, multiple-rank perks would be the ones you'd need legendary to unlock. Higher ranks require more legendary.


There's a mod out there that sort of does this, called "uncapped perks," but it requires the Skyrim Community Uncapper. My suggestion does not.


Here's some examples of perks to add:


1. "Extra Effect" and "Twin Souls" would both have 9-ranks to them. Each rank requiring one more legendary than the last. The ninth and final rank would require 100 skill and 8 legendary, but would allow you to have ten simultaneous summons or ten enchantment effects on an item. Sounds OP, but keep in mind: Getting 8 legendary is no small feat.


2. Alteration would have 9 ranks to its "magic resistance" perk. Starting with rank 4 (requiring 1 legendary) up until rank 9 (requiring 6 legendary), you could eventually max out your magic resistance just on alteration perks alone!


3. Also Alteration, imagine have 17 ranks of the "mage armor" perk, instead of just 3. Each rank past rank 3 requires an extra legendary, but also improves the effectiveness of your armor spells by an extra multiplier. Why such an arbitrary number like 17? Because with armor spells being 17 times more powerful, that's enough for a teeny-tiny oakflesh spell to max out your armor rating.


4. Second ranks to each of the magic skills' "half cost" perks (such as Novice Destruction, Master Conjuration, etc.) that reduce the cost of those spells by an extra half, effectively allowing you to cast those spells for 0 magicka with no enchantments needed.


5. "Master Trader" has ten ranks, each requiring an extra legendary from the last, but each providing shopkeepers with an extra 1,000 gold. Why ten ranks? Why not go the full hundred yards and give us 25 ranks!


6. Augmented flames/frost/shock go from 2 ranks each, to 20. Every rank, from rank 3 onward, requires an extra legendary, all the way up to 18 legendary, but if you can pull it off, your destruction spells go from 50% stronger to 6x stronger!


7. The "green thumb" perk would have more ranks to it, each requiring an extra legendary, but each giving you an extra ingredient when you harvest!


These types of perks would not only add extra perks to the game, since now there's no reason not to have them, but it would also give people an incentive to level ALL skills that they want the perks for, not just the skills that are easiest to level.


Any takers?

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