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Battles/bosses you hate to fight


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I would have to say Cauthrien is the most annoying, only because every bit of dialogue she has is SO GODDAMN ANNOYING!

I mash my Esc key so I can get to the goddamn fight. I hate listening to that deluded *censored*.



Couldn't agree more, she is so up herself, every time she speaks I want to kill her. Shame this is a game that decides who you can kill and who you can't.

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I totally kill Cauthrien. Want that Summer Sword, damnit!

I was surprised and mad the first time I "tried a different response" and talked her out of fighting by accident! :teehee:


Crickey you've got more restraint than I have then, from the first time we meet I just want the chance to kill her it wouldn't bother me if she was dressed in rags fighting with a fork and was blind, ugh! just remembering the way she speaks to you makes my blood boil even now.

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I totally kill Cauthrien. Want that Summer Sword, damnit!

I was surprised and mad the first time I "tried a different response" and talked her out of fighting by accident! :teehee:


Crickey you've got more restraint than I have then, from the first time we meet I just want the chance to kill her it wouldn't bother me if she was dressed in rags fighting with a fork and was blind, ugh! just remembering the way she speaks to you makes my blood boil even now.


Maybe we need to start a new thread: "(Why) Cauthrien needs to die".


To be more on topic: the first time I decided that I'd given the werewolves (Nature of the Beast Quest) 2 options to resolve the feud peacefully and they chose to fight instead. So when the Gatekeeper offers to parley, he can kiss my fanny and I just slaughter my way into the Sanctum of the Lady of the Forest. By that time I'm seriously annoyed with the werewolves and the holier-than-thou tone of voice of the Lady of the Forest is making my skin crawl. Time to break out the flea-powder and put down some rabid animals.

Sadly the resistance was sort of Overwhelming and I saw my party getting butchered in seconds. That was tad painful to watch.

(As an aside: I don't mind to talk things through with many opponents, but as a rule they all seem to end their dialogue with a threat. The Gatekeeper threatens to come back from the Fade itself. And the Lady of the Forest threatens to keep Witherfang hidden. By the time I've reached the Lair of the Werewolves, my mental state isn't very receptive to those kinds of threats and it saddens me that I cannot kick the Gatekeeper's hindquarters AFTER he finishes that bit of dialogue. Ah well, they all get their fur cleaned, by the time I'm through talking to the LotF. Of course since Zathrian lied to me needs to die as well, so I bring Zathrian before the LotF, side with the lying elf and then ask him whether Lanaya can do the ritual as well, so we don't need Zathrian alive. Double wallop!)

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Sadly the resistance was sort of Overwhelming and I saw my party getting butchered in seconds. That was tad painful to watch.

(As an aside: I don't mind to talk things through with many opponents, but as a rule they all seem to end their dialogue with a threat. The Gatekeeper threatens to come back from the Fade itself. And the Lady of the Forest threatens to keep Witherfang hidden. By the time I've reached the Lair of the Werewolves, my mental state isn't very receptive to those kinds of threats and it saddens me that I cannot kick the Gatekeeper's hindquarters AFTER he finishes that bit of dialogue. Ah well, they all get their fur cleaned, by the time I'm through talking to the LotF. Of course since Zathrian lied to me needs to die as well, so I bring Zathrian before the LotF, side with the lying elf and then ask him whether Lanaya can do the ritual as well, so we don't need Zathrian alive. Double wallop!)


:< I do quite like Zathrien, he gives you a badass weapon if you leave him alive btw. It looks awesome (too bad my main character doesn't USE 2handers :<).


Werewolves on the other hand are always hard to fight, my least favourite scenario is when Wynne needs to use a mana potion and there is a character who has a werewolf doing Overwhelm on them T_T.

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:< I do quite like Zathrien, he gives you a badass weapon if you leave him alive btw. It looks awesome (too bad my main character doesn't USE 2handers :<).

(quote culled by Alehazar)


I dislike both Zathrian and the Lady; Zathrian because he lies and is a vindictive fatherless male child, who simply carries his revenge too far. The Lady, because of her soft spoken annoying way. As a Dalish Elf I usually let my mood of the moment decide which way I like to go. And that may go either way; either I see Zathrian as a traitor to his kind, or I simply dislike humans so much -as well as the reluctance of the werewolves to resolve matters in a peaceful way; only when they've got their backs against the wall are they prepared to talk- that they are dead meat, as far as my elf is concerned.


As a Noble Dwarf I'd also prefer to let the Harrowmont and Bhelen factions have their little civil war and simply walk away for good. If my Dwarf Noble survives the Blight, she refuses to be made Paragon and found her own house -"first they exile me and now they want me to be a paragon? Not bloody likely".


Also if Anora double-crosses me at the Landsmeet, there's no way I'm gonnam ake her queen or let her marry Alistair -unless I really dislike Alistair; depends on my character.


Another Boss fight that really makes my day go from bad to worse to worst, is Flemeth -and that High Dragon that supposedly was Andraste's incarnation according to Kolgrim.

The one thing that bugs me is the close proximity to the opponent in the fight. The High Dragon is a huge, bulky creature. And my party members seem like ants trying to bring down a blue whale in five fathoms of water -completely out of their own natural element, everything staked in favor of the whale.

Any party member that is not a 2-handed wielder is knocked back, stunned and a whole mess more of dirty little tricks. Plus on the downside, whenever a warrior gets chewed out by the beast, he or she is ready for the grave. Revival and Lifeward only go so far. Especially when I need the Lifeward to keep Wynne herself alive. Those are hard fought battles and I really start shrieking, when I actually manage to barely win a Boss fight of such magnitude -with only one party member barely clinging to the last dregs of an otherwise shredded life- and then my game inadvertently experiences a CTD. That's when I resort to the Killallhostiles cheat. I really don't want to use a cheat like that, but hey.... Also those Drakes you encounter within the Ruined Temple up the mountain near Haven.... Again that Overwhelming type of resistance wreaks havoc on my team. Their ability to stun and shred the cr*p out of my most powerful party member almost makes me go directly down the Right Left Path, instead of the Wrong Right Path -which is where you wind up a dead-end passageway and your return path is blocked by three angry drakes. Still, I want that Drakescale armor. Just like I want the Dragonbone plate. So I really must be of the right mindset before I even dare to attempt these particular draconian battles.

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There's one series of rooms in the Fade that is positively stuffed full of mages... since mages are horrendously OP in this game to begin with (though in an evil-cackle-and-glee sort of way when playing 'em), and you don't have your party around for backup, it makes for an extremely tedious choke-point for non-mage PCs. They can chain on you with fireballs and other knockdown/paralyze effects pretty easily, and once they get lined up like that there really isn't much you can do except watch the show.
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There's one series of rooms in the Fade that is positively stuffed full of mages... since mages are horrendously OP in this game to begin with (though in an evil-cackle-and-glee sort of way when playing 'em), and you don't have your party around for backup, it makes for an extremely tedious choke-point for non-mage PCs. They can chain on you with fireballs and other knockdown/paralyze effects pretty easily, and once they get lined up like that there really isn't much you can do except watch the show.


I practically hate any fight where at least one enemy simply resists everything I throw at him -or her. Whether my spells don't work, or my weapon talents are dismissed like minor nuisances, it really rubs me the wrong way. Doesn't really matter what game I'm playing. Whenever my carefully developed character seems to be firing spit-balls while my enemy is tossing super nukes.... nah, I don't like that.

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I just hate being separated from my party. I hated it in every other Bioware pattern game I've played, and I hate it in Dragon Age. The game is designed for party-based 'puzzle piece' tactics, where each party member brings something different to the fight, and stripping away the party for a long section of the game that requires combat robs the game of all its vitality. That one series of rooms is arbitrarily difficult for non-mage characters, so it stands apart as a particularly bad wall-banger, but the whole area is just terrible. There are other party-less sections, sure, but they're all short or require little combat.


Every other battle, regardless of difficulty, is less of a pain in the rear simply because, while it may be hard, it still feels like playing the game- as opposed to: "we're going to punish you for making progress by taking your party away, then make you work your ass off for at least an hour to get back to actual gameplay again." I'm not at all ashamed of using one of the mods that rips that gawdawful compost heap of tedium right out of the experience. :/


If I had to pick a second-worst fight, it would probably have to be the Spider Queen along the Anvil of the Void path. I've never found that to be a particularly difficult fight (unless the spideys decide to chain with webs), but the battle feels completely unnecessary and out of place. It can't compare to the epic feel of the Brood Mother and Branka fights, or the running battles through Bownammar. There's also the "false anvil" fight, which- while screwy- at least feels like it belongs somewhere in the sequence of events. The spider bossfight is just... in the way. "Oh, here's a boss. Have fun kthxbai." Even the setting is depressingly underwhelming. It's not even as if the Paragon of Her Kind questline needed the padding; it's already the longest and deepest in the game. Boss battles need to have a purpose; if they're just there then they detract from the experience.

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There's one series of rooms in the Fade that is positively stuffed full of mages... since mages are horrendously OP in this game to begin with (though in an evil-cackle-and-glee sort of way when playing 'em), and you don't have your party around for backup, it makes for an extremely tedious choke-point for non-mage PCs. They can chain on you with fireballs and other knockdown/paralyze effects pretty easily, and once they get lined up like that there really isn't much you can do except watch the show.


Ugh, I remember that fight. My first character was a DW warrior, and I think I died four times there before I figured out how to do it without even a flinch.


Turn into the burning man.

Walk through their fireballs.

Cast fireball at them. (insta-dead-mages!)

Install skip the fade for next time.


I actually don't mind most of these battles, but the one I've loathed every time is Loghain, especially because you only get a split second to save before the dual starts. Basically the only enemy my dual wielders can't take down in three hits because for some reason Loghain is impossible to hit and nothing I do seems to fix that. Resisted pretty much all of my spirit mage/blood mage's offensive spells and not much I could do about that. Tedious as hell for my archer, running around in circles until stealth cooled down, until he finally got Loghain to switch to his crossbow at which point it was just flat-out boring. Ugh. Most of the battles that are annoying aren't so annoying if you think of them as a strategical exercise, but there's not really much strategy behind "can I get my stun effect in before Loghain, or am I going to have to go through the entire Landsmeet again".

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