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Which texture pack?


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Soon I'm going to install New Vegas on my new rig.

But I wonder which texture pack is the best/most appealing.


Ojo Bueno.....or NMC..... or EWIs?


Right now I using Vurts and Poco Bueno which is juat about what my RD5770 can handle.


I am not running any ENB so that doesn't matter.


My new card is an R9 -290X 4 Gb.

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NMC is probably by far the most extensive texture replacer and contains a lot of textures. I think Tapioks textures looks better though(Ojo bueno, Poco bueno). Only thing from EWIs that I've looked at was his rock retexture pack which looked really good, I didn't feel the need for so high resolution rock textures though so I skipped it. It's a matter of opinion really so my tip would be to try them out look at screenshots and decide yourself. Vurts isn't really a retexture. It adds more and new flora. Completely new models and textures but I do believe there's still some vanilla flora left in the game that vurts doesn't touch.


I use NMC as a base and then got Ojo Bueno Enviromental and that sexy Ojo Bueno Securitron retexture + some more loose retextures mostly stuff that NMC didn't retexture.

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Thanks :thumbsup:

I think I'll go for NMCs and upping the ante a bit. Might always add Ojo Bueno on top of it if things work out well :smile:

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