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I downloaded FWE 6.03a, WMK 1.19, MMM 6.1RC and EVE 0.97b. I followed the readme and put them all in the right order, except that it doesn't say where to put EVE.esm. Naturally I just put it under the FWE and MMM .esm's, but upon starting the game it won't load the main menu. I started 1 by 1 disabling mods and the cause of the crash is EVE.esm and EVE - FWE Master Release.esp. Can anyone help with this?


Edit: Wow, just noticed my join date was November 4th 2006. Long time ago.


Edit 2: Ah nevermind. Looks like I didn't read FOIP closely enough. Only EVE 0.96b is supported, not the new 0.97b.

Edited by sparx10
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