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can you combine two HKX files for me?


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there are two different mt_idles.hkx i like using found in;



a small 100KB one that's slow and subtle,

then a big 600KB full of sexy dance moves


so the idea is if i stop for a moment my player won't go nuts,

but after the first HKX plays out, she can get her groove on,

then calm down and do the first one again, etc.


I can upload the files to any public server or email them 7z'd

If you consent I can post the resulting file publicly so others

reading this thread can try it out. it's nothing new, just two

other idle files I lifted from other mods. I can post a credit

here to you and the two modelers once the deed is done.


I know there is a mod that can play up to 20 HKX files while idle,

but I can't seem to get it to work, so I just assume combine two

files manually of my own choosing, and leave it at that.


thanks for considering my request :blush:


I assume it will involve converting the HKX files to another format

used by your animation software, combining them along the same

timeline, then converting that combined file back to HKX.




Edited by consorts
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