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That is a guide to creating worldspaces, although I haven't used it myself, I know I dug one up on google at some point cause I couldn't for the life of me figure them out either. The main problem I ran into with worldspaces was having to mess around with LOD stuff, but I did manage to get a workable space up at one point that I was reasonably happy with. Some of it you could avoid having to make worldspaces for, for the original vault you could create the tunnels outside it, and then the vault itself and just link the entrance to wherever you wanted to.


As for the "train" type stuff, do you have the Broken Steel DLC, I'm assuming you were looking to do something similar to the train at the end of that which takes you to the base to blow up? If you dug thru the .esm you might be able to find some of the scripts etc which were used to create that little sequence.


Don't give up on the GECK tho, it's a powerful tool


By the by, I've found a good source of the original fallout levels, by design they aren't overly complicated, not compared to today's standards by any stretch, but I seem to be having trouble finding stuff from fallout 2, ie a map of new reno. Incidentally, a place like arroyo wouldn't be "that" hard to recreate since fallout 3 has some suitable tents already inbuilt, the trick would be doing the big stone head thing the right way, and of course, the temple if it was to be included.


thank you, and I've already begun working. Currently working on Jefferson from tactics.


and yes that would be good to use, except I guess I pictured it as just more static, then entering an area which would be the inside of the train, going to a terminal selecting an area, teleporting to an identical cell that would exit out at the selected area. I'd really like to make this for people who don't have access to the DLCs, though yes I do have it.


As for Arroyo, if you've played Fallout 2 to the end, the original Arroyo is inaccessible due to the bridge crossing a canyon that leads to the village is destroyed by the Enclave. At the very end the left over villagers and remnants of Vault 13 citizens make the town of New Arroyo so the stone head may not be necessarily.


Yeah so long since I played FO2 I forgot about that. As for going into a static location and selecting the location from a terminal...


It's definitely possible. There's a point in New Vegas where they do a similar thing with an elevator, you click the elevator, and it brings up a menu of locations you want to go to, I'm trying to think of a similar thing in FO3 at the moment, but I imagine it wouldn't be too hard to recreate the scripts, and I'm fairly certain if I dig hard enough someone would have a mod that does something similar somewhere.

yeah I know FO3 has ways to do that. I just can't script to save my life. and mentioning New Vegas. I got pretty far on my making Jefferson...well really I got stuck on making the first building but I'm just about done with it, but since New Vegas came out, I'm devoting my time to playing it so....yeah.

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