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Darksiders Sword


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Just an idea, and I am in no way meaning for anything illegal, if it's illegal to do this then please let me know, I am not meaning a port, jsut a texture design.


I think it would be awesome to have a sword like either Chaoseater or the armageddon blade from Darksiders. It's just an idea, I can't do models or textures to save my life, but I still think it would be very cool. Really it doesn't even have to be in great detail, even just a blade in the basic shape, and size of either of those would be alright with me.


(if this post seems odd, or non-lucid, it's because I'm going on 3 hours of sleep and a 5 hour energy at this moment [p.s. I wouldn't reccomend said 5-hour energy. I feel like I'm overclocking my body, and it's not a good feeling])

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