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How to play Deadly Rflex


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You should probably tell us exactly what error you're getting when you try to load the game up.


It sounds like you might not be using the Oblivion Script Extender, which is required for the Deadly Reflex mod. You can find that here. Install OBSE to your Oblivion directory (where oblivion.exe is), and make sure that you always start the game with obse_loader.exe from now on.


After that make sure that you have Deadly Reflex installed correctly. You can find detailed installation instructions in the readme file that came with Deadly Reflex. If after that it's still not working, then you'll have to tell us what mods you're currently running (copy and paste the info from your load order file), what error it is that you're getting, system specs, etc

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My first mistake was that i disabled the Horsecombat.esm file since i wasn't interested in horse combat but the file was actually very important so the game didn't start without the file! check your esps :)
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