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Compatibility between Origins and Awakening


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Hi there.


I've been making my mods according to the compatibility instructions as posted in the main builder wiki:




Specifically, I changed

<AddInItem UID="yourprefix_yourmodule" Name="Your Module Name" ExtendedModuleUID="Single Player" Priority="100" Enabled="1" State="2" Format="1"> to


<AddInItem UID="yourprefix_yourmodule_EP_1" Name="Your Module Name" ExtendedModuleUID="DAO_PRC_EP_1" Priority="200" Enabled="1" State="2" Format="1">


in the manifest for the awakening version.


Unfortunately, users are reporting that they can't see the skill descriptions and/or icons for the awakening version.



I think the tlk files created for origins aren't compatible with awakening.



Does anyone know how to fix this problem?

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When I have changed Origins only mods to work in Awakening I only change the ExtendedModuleUID, I leave Priority="100" as is; I see you changed yours to 200. It's worth a try as everything I have altered works as it does in origins including the descriptions and icons.
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I don't know as I never changed the name. I just duplicated the mod's entry in addins.xml and changed "Single Player" to "DAO_PRC_EP_1" in the second entry. It causes DAMM to show two entries of the same mod but if you uncheck one they both uncheck. In-game only one entry shows but activating/deactivating enables/disables both.


Just to check things out, I opened up a few of my stored Origins/Awakenings dazips and had a look at the manifest file and they all have Priority="100" and they do change the name by adding awk or Awakenings. Those show up in DAMM renamed and need to be unchecked separately from their Origins counterpart.


Edit: I took a look at your mod (assuming it is the Wildkin Adept one); changing the 200 to 100 did nothing to solve the issue you are having (unless none of the icons were visible and there were no descriptions) but I will say that any other mod I have used that adds a new spell/talent line has the same issue in Awakenings with the titles not showing. I did see all the icons and all but the single line of four passives and the specialization itself had the descriptions.

Edited by RustyBlade
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:( Thank you so much for testing.


Hmm... I guess I should try the duplicating method without changing the mod name. Odd... I don't know what's causing the tlk files to not load but the icons and scripts to continue to load. I really don't know how I could fix this...

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The problem is not in the nomenclature of the manifest. There is some conflict with your mod and Awakenings or possibly your mod, another mod and Awakenings. I copied the whole thing into override and uninstalled the dazip. It does the same thing, no description for the Specialization, no talent group titles, etc. I'm betting on a GDA conflict.
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