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Fort Frostmoth Restored


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Simple as the title implies. The restoration of Fort Frostmoth on Solstheim to a habitable Player Home.

Nothing drastically over the top, but some features I would like to see:




Blacksmithing Station (Outside in the Courtyard)

At least 3 Bedrooms

Alchemy/Enchanting Room

Secret Storage Room

Also clean up the docks at the port area, maybe add a boat.

If someone could make this a reality I would greatly appreciate it

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How about finding a merchant in Raven Rock who will restore and upgrade it after the quest is completed and all ash spawns and spiders are killed? For payment, of course.


Also, the boat idea is neat. I'd suggest including travel options to the docks at Windhelm, Solitude or Dawnstar with the boat.

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