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Lion and Horse request!


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Well, I am a big lover of lions, and was disappointed to see all that time ago that no real lions are in Oblivion. They have those mountain lions, which are awesome, but I was wondering if anyone knew of or could make a mod that had them in it? Like, African lions. The males with the giant bushy manes and the lionesses. They would give 2 lion meat, and 1 lion pelt. (You could use referance from AxbeneHunters mod, which gives you more meat, pelts, antlers, etc...) Also, if there are lions, have them wander big plains in prides of one male and 3-4 female?


Also, if anyone knew how to make a new horse color... The perlino! It would be great if someone could make one, with blue eyes, and add it to the game with stats 1 or 2 points above the speed of the black horse, essential, and pretty strong :D Thanks if anyone wants to help :D

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