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Skill Books Points - GECK Setting / Variable?


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Despite my best efforts, I have been unable to find (if it exists) the setting or global variable that sets the skill books in Fallout 3 to be one point (two points with the Comprehension perk). I would like to know where this setting or variable is in GECK for I am working on a mod that would adjust this amount without the use of perks or scripts. Thank you.

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The only way I know of is as an Entry Point in the perk category. It's called Adjust Book Skill Points and you can find it when you add a new Entry to a perk. It may be possible to adjust this value through scripts as well, but you'll have to do some digging or possibly check out the FOSE documentation for the specific command. Hope that helps!

Edited by phoenix0113
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Hi phoenix0113. Thank you for replying to my question.


I was hoping that there was a setting (such as "fBookSkillPoints") or a global variable that set the rate rather than it be hard-coded into the game. I already knew of the Entry Point method to raise the book skill points via the Comprehension perk. I have since been thinking of alternatives (such as switching the "teaches" category in the books menu to "NONE" and using a script to raise the rate to what I want) but it is unfortunate that no clear and simple method seems to exist. Again, thank you for taking the time to reply.

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