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Looking for expansions / Mods, tools


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Well Met:

Through my browsing of the files I believe I have seen 3 files that do the following. 1) expand the tactics options beyond the available in the game even with all the needed skills. 2) A file to expand the quickbar, and 3) Make enemies tougher to beat. I havetried the sites file search but it doesn't ever seem to find anything.

Any help appreciated.

If I'm in the wrong forum, let me know

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1) I'm not going to recommend a tactics mod because I have had problems with every one I have tried.


2) Advanced Quickbar


3) Assuming you play on nightmare you can try Nightmare Plus to make it harder and/or you can use Slinks s3 Random Age to add even more enemies; it is configurable so you can make the additional enemies easy or super hard.

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I've found Advanced Tactics works great for me.


I have found the occasional seemingly broke tactic with mod add-on classes, that just don't seem to want to fire, but works awesome (for me, at least) with all the vanilla classes and talents. Just search 'advanced tactics'. It adds a ton of new tactics (e.g. Ally - Dead -> Revive, etc.) and I find it essential to gameplay now since I started using it.

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