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Is Bethesda Nordicist?


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There is also no indication that they rely too heavily on Nordic influences overall, as Dunmeri culture is highly influences by Japanese and Aramaic ideologies and styles. In fact, the Dunmer have received more love and attention from the developers than anyone, so if anything you could argue they are Wiaboos.


How so? I honestly don't see how they relate. I thought the races of the Akavir continent were supposed to represent Asian culture?

That's heavily oversimplifying the case. There are some exceptionally strong oriental themes with what we have seen from Akavir, but they are overt and only a piece of the puzzle.


As for the Dunmer. Their political structure, the Noble Houses and the shadow-war, along with the contrast between their expressed civility and harsh brutality towards foreigners is directly put of Shogun. Their mechanism for Saints is more Chinese than Catholic, and the Ashlanders are heavily influenced by pre-Genghis Mongols.

There's more... There used to be a great breakdown of the cultura and literary influences on the Dunmer on the Bethesda forums, I'll see if I can find it...

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