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Issue making more custom followers


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I recently decided to give making custom followers a shot. After messing around for about an hour I had made my first follower "Amanda" based off of my wife in real life. I then decided why not make all of my friends into followers? So I made 2 more "Alan" and "Liz". Success I thought. All 3 followers where working perfectly as intended. After awhile I decided I wanted to remake all of them so I deleted all the .esp's and chargen data I had created (Backing them up first) and proceeded to start fresh and remake them. I fired up the ck and started making a new follower the same exact way I had made the previous 3. I load up a clean save and attempt to console in game "help (mynpc)" and nothing. No npc even exists. I go back to the ck to see what I had did wrong and everything is fine except for now it seems any npc I create has a 0* or a 1* in the count. I loaded up the first 3 I had made to campare and they don't have it. I even reloaded the first 3 .esp's and they still work like they did before. I just cannot seem to create any more. No idea why the new one's I try to make have the *. Please help!

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I've done that a few times. I've even went on another machine and grabbed a save that had 0 mods fresh out of the dragon cut scene after the wagon. After much aggrivation I have decided to backup my Skyrim folder, Start with a fresh one, Clean my master files, Re-download the CK, Back that all up and start fresh. I'm also slightly confused on what I need to be selecting in the CK at startup. Like should I just select Skyrim.esm or both Skyrim.esm and Update.esm? Should I be setting as active when creating the mod? It just feels like to me I shouldn't be setting as active as that would edit the actual skyrim.esm wouldn't it? As far as making the actual npc I have that part down like there's no tomorrow. I must have done it about 100 times in the past day alone. Hell I even made 3 of them work.

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Problem solved! I'm not sure of the exact cause but somwhere along the line I must have messed up my original .esm . Since starting fresh and cleaning my masters I have re-gained the ability to create followers! From this point on I have decided to have a duplicate Data folder and rename the one I'm not currently using to xData. This way I will have a clean mod free Data folder to mod and when I want to just play the gaame I will swap names of the xData and Data folders. I have also learned not to set Skyrim.esm as active when making followers or else I will be editing the actual .esm . Maybe somewhere down the road someone will stumble upon this information that didn't seem to be (at least with my google skills) anywhere on the internet when I decided to jump into the world of modding skyrim.

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