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Player-Statue script question


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Hey People


I've been trying to create my own Player statue, like the one in bruma, but I keep running into problems. Figuring I'm probably not the first one to get this idea and try this, I thought there might be people who could help me with this...


First of all, the original MQ14StatueScript (trimmed down for clarity);


scn MQ14StatueScript


ref playerStatue

short distancecheck


begin OnLoad

if playerStatue == 0

set playerStatue to MartinRef.playerStatue


if playerStatue != 0

playerStatue.moveto MQ14PlayerStatueMarker

playerStatue.addscriptpackage MQStatuePose

playerStatue.pms effectstone





begin gamemode

if distancecheck == 0

if getdistance player <= 2100

set distancecheck to 1




if distancecheck == 1

if getdistance player > 2100

set distancecheck to 0





Now, this here ->playerStatue.moveto MQ14PlayerStatueMarker<- convinced me playerStatue had to be a physical object with a referance, but (seeing as I dont know the baseID) I cant seem to find it anywhere...?


Than this; ->set playerStatue to MartinRef.playerStatue<- basically, set ObjectRefA to ObjectRefB.ObjectRefA I'd figure...

But the script editor refuses to accept this when I type it in my own script, unless I adapt it to "set X to player"... furthermore, why set it to Martin? I can't seem to understand this, and not being able to find the physical objects to look at it doesnt help either... (it does not appear to be hidden near either the statuebase nor Martin?)


I'm quite sure that "the key" I'm missing here, has something to do with that ->set playerStatue to MartinRef.playerStatue<-, cause I somehow need the Statue to be the same as the player (looks and inventory, ofcourse).It's probably something simple I just never came across before or something, but for now I'm kinda stuck...


Anybody any idea what I'm doing wrong here, forgetting, overlooking or whatever..?

Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated.



Thanks, Lucifer


PS; and if someone knows where to find the original statue physical-object/baseID, I'd love to know as well.


PPS; and I did ofcourse already create a new AI package (new location), new Xmarkerheading, and so on...

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the script you have there is actually only half of the deal. The statue object is created in another script, called MartinScript, which is attached to the “Brother Martin” NPC, who in turn is called MartinRef.


I have no idea why Bethesda chose to disperse the statue code all over the place, but they did.


MartinRef.playerstatue will be 0, until that script (MartinScript) chooses to actually create the statue. The statue is a dynamic object, that is why you cannot find it anywhere in the construction set. It is created at runtime. Look at MartinScript to learn how its done.

Once the statue was created, MartinRef.playerstatue will no longer come back as 0 and the script you posted there will kick in and move it, make it look like stone, etc. pp.


Good luck.

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