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FO3 strange "night vision"


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I have a few mods installed (Albino Player Race, SmallRanch, Apocalypse Armory and the Readius PDA and all DLCs). At the deathclaw yard a window has popped up "Do you want to use your night vision? Yes/No". I clicked Yes and since then everything ingame is in some kind of violet-magenta color.


I didn't found any night vision stuff in any of the mods readmes, so does anybody know how I get this ... nightvision off?

It's neither listed in the list of the perks nor listed as an effect...

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I am having the same problem, I also have all the DLC Content and Apocalypse Armory and when I first enetered the Satellite Uplink in Broken Steel I got the same pop up and clicked 'yes' . I have no idea how to turn it off. Any help would be great.
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Figured it out. All you have to do is equip the laser sniper rifle from Apocalypse Armory, then the prompt for the night vision will pop back up, then click 'yes' again and it turns it off. Or if it doesnt then just de-equip it and then re-equip it and press no. should turn it off.
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A thanks


The item code for the rifle is [mod-index]0073EF

Because I hadn't got it i just used player.additem

It seems like a bug to me that the question showed up because I hadn't any Apocalypse Armory weapon at that point...

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