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Colt Army Conversion


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Hello, I was wondering if anyone can put this gun into the game! I have all the necessary 3d models and textures for it. I am just no good with making a new weapon. If anyone is willing to help, i can send them the necessary files to put it into the game. http://www.blendswap.com/files/images/2015/01/image77350/medium_f996ca4b22de8049592965a87a0186f0.jpg

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i tried opening this in my old version of blender and it showed an error message. then i tried unpacking this in the latest version of blender, but it doesnt support .nif (the mesh format used by new vegas). i managed to convert the mesh in the newer blender into another format that the old version of blender supported so i can convert it back to nif, but then all i had was the wire frame of the model without the texture mapping and all the vertices disconnected. i had the textures but there was no way to apply them without manually putting it in and reconnecting the vertices bit by bit. unless you can get me a .nif format version of this gun with texture mapping then im afraid someone else is gonna have to make this mod instead of me. shame too, it would have been really easy to make if it had loaded properly

Edited by TheBlob2
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I can help you through this process actually. So what you want to do is, convert the model into .3ds. From .3ds import it into nifskope. Open a model of a gun that is in the game, and then convert the NiTriShapes into NiTriStrips, and go to the NiTriStripsData block of the part you want to use, and then right click and hit copy. And then you go the gun already in the game in Nifskope, and you go to the NiTriStripsData block on that one, and right click and hit paste over. If you need a .3ds I have one.

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