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Request for Some Trivial NIFs


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Hi there,


After playing around for a few hours with Blender and NifScope, I have convinced myself that I'm a scripter who has no business trying to build meshes and textures.


I'm wondering if someone who knows what they are doing could take a few minutes and generate 3 simple NIFs that I will use for Positioner:

  • A sphere, 1 unit in diameter (I can scale with NifScope as needed), origin at centerpoint, yellow-white (#ffff99) solid texture, no emittance, solid collision layer, no mass, collision model None, motion system Fixed
  • A hemisphere, same attributes as above
  • A cone, same attributes as above, 1 unit diameter, 1 unit height

Thanks so much for your help!

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Are you wanting to use yor fx shader on these, or just using the solid yellow texture without your shader?


I'm able to export those basic shapes from blender, textured using the native game resources, eg: textures\brightyellow.dds

but if your using your fx shader effect then being yellow won't show so much as your fx shader running on the object will overide most the texture color.


If not using a fx shader to highlight then I can do it without using a textuure at all, just shade the shape with color you want eg: ffff99.


Using a texture you get reflections, or should I say ambient discolor from other lights hitting the shape.

Using a shader without texture you can have a smooth color all over and other lights don't effect the color or ambiance of the object.


You were fairly clear in what your after, but while playing around with it, it seemed better to just use a shaded shape without a texture, unless your wanting to use a fx shader on the object.


Yellow using texture, you can see light reflect of it, even when everything is flagged not to:



No texture just shaded yellow, no reflection, just a nice even mat color:



Off course they look different in game compared to in the CK, but you get the idea.



using BSShaderEffectProperty in the nif with no texture in game:


nif attached to post, just knock the .txt of the file name and extract to have a play if you like.


Edited by smashly
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Won't be any good to apply a shader to that one I posted.


But you could use 2 nifs, one for display one shader color, one for selection another shader color.


I'll post a texture version, but I can't seem to stop the ambient reflection from other sources effecting the texture.

Probably just my lack of knowledge on how the textures work, but I twiddled all sorts of settings and found it didn't stop it and at most only lessened it a tad.

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OK, a couple of observations:

  • Without textures, there is no change when I apply my shader to show selection. This may be more of an effect that the NIF itself carries its own effect shader.
  • There seems to be no collision layer, so the object is only selectable via command console.


I really appreciate the help on this.

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Yeah, knew what the shapes are for, just not the way your implementing them.

Collision data easy enough to add.

Other shapes aren't a problem just need a base to go off, eg: sphere, once it's what your after, just do the same method for the other 2 shapes.

It's really quite easy to export basic shapes from blender and then edit them in nifscope to make make em work.



I had a look at your charus egg edit, but the texture visually looks like it only covers half of the egg and most the egg looks white.

That and doesn't look centered, eg; the Z pos looks to the bottom of the egg instead of center.

is that the z pos your wanting?


Another thing I notice when using blender to export is the nif seems large even after I clean it in nifscope and remove the crap that's not needed.

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