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Fast Travel Car "Flavour" mod suggestion


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Hi all, I've had a bit of a sticky-beak through the various car mods currently on offer but they seem to be fixated with physically driving the car around.

I've been wondering about the possibilities of having a car which acts a lot more like the Highwayman car from Fallout 2. You could do this by having a static car parked out the front of whatever location you are currently at (maybe you find it out front of a garage in the game) which enables you to fast travel to destinations. This combined with disabling the ability to fast travel purely through the pip-boy would add some nice flavour to the game, additionally you could store equipment in the trunk of the car to make it incredibly practical.


Just a suggestion, heavens knows I don't know how hard it would be to make sure the car appears ok out front of every possible fast-travel destination and the various other considerations required to implement this idea into fallout 3 (or even NV maybe?).



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What car mods? I've only seen the motorcycle mods which were very bugged.


I think this is a very good idea. Maybe someone can attach an activation ability to a custom car model that enables fast travel, then disables it after a short period of time until the next activation. Then add a container on the back end. The only problem I think, might be moving the model to where you go, no idea how to do that.

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Whoops, yeah, I meant vehicle mods, my bad. And I should probably post this over in New Vegas mod requests because I'm now completely addicted to that :)


From what I can see of F:NV so far, and i'm fairly certain it was the same for Fallout 3, the point you arrive in when you fast travel is fixed, so that should reduce the difficulty of working out where to place the car. However another potential change is to make the car only be able to travel to 'civilised' desinations, such as Vegas, Goodsprings, Novac, NCR Mojave Outpost that is to say towns.


This would make slightly more sense from a logical perspective, how would you get a car up into a hilly mountain area etc. However it would reduce the effectiveness of the storage space mechanic (as most of the places filled with loot aren't towns).

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