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Wrye Bash Won't Start


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I recently started to install the nvamp mods that require wrye flash to be install. Bottom line, program did not want to start/ had the same problems as above comments. I try diferent convinations and no luck.

I posted this on a different post but I though it could help people here.



After several attempts just could not get the program to start. I wanted/was using the recent programs until I decide to use the old version.



As of July 25 2011 this is what worked for me:


Wrye Python 03a

Install with default settings.


Wrye Bash NV (Wrye Bash NV 13)


Now it works with no shorcuts, no commands, nothing just double click the launcher and off you go.

I hope that help's others with problem not running on Windows 7 (64) I had the Fallout NV folder in c:\Fallout New Vegas just in case.



My problem before was that I was downloading Wrye Python 04a and thinking I was getting the most updated version it was just not working for me but now by installing Wrye Python 03a it works on first try just by double clicking.



Where did you find Wrye Python 03a? i cant find it.


I'm not sure if you managed to solve this, but here's what I did to eventually make it work:


Install Wrye Python:



Install Wrye Python 04a update:



Install Wrye Bash 291:



It's now fully working on Windows 7 64 bit.

Edited by Tranced
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  • 3 weeks later...

Uninstalling/reinstalling, tweaking versions, pathing, installs etc did no good for me. To fix this I simply needed to add admin rights to the python executable.


Browse to your python install, locate pythonw.exe, right click and set it to run as an admin. Apply.


Voila, worky worky. Double click the regular shortcut and you're good to go.

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What windows are you using and where did you install the python stuff? The only reason you should have had to set admin rights would be if you installed into the program files folder under Vista or Win7.
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I don't know if you guys fixed the issues you were having but if you haven't done it, this is what I did to make Wrye Bash work. I downloaded this here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/download.php?id=83213 and then installed only the program not python (never worked for me and only caused me headaches). Almost all of the features work and along with BOSS,OBMM, and TES4Edit I'm a happy camper. Hope this helps.
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