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Wrye Bash not starting


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Just installed Wrye bash and Python. I've checked several places and been googling for the last 2 hours, but i cant seem to find i fix for my problem.

Wrye Bash just dosent start... And in the file type it says (python file (no console)...

Help anyone? :(

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Just installed Wrye bash and Python. I've checked several places and been googling for the last 2 hours, but i cant seem to find i fix for my problem.

Wrye Bash just dosent start... And in the file type it says (python file (no console)...

Help anyone? :(


Did you install Wrye Python 03a before installing Wrye Bash?

Which operating system are you on? Win Vista/7 or XP?

If on Win Vista/7, did you set the properties for pythonw.exe to "Run As Administrator"?

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im on windows 7 and did everything you said :(


Run cmd.exe to get a command line window.

On the command line, cd to where you have Wrye Bash installed (in the Oblivion Mopy directory).

Execute the command:

c:\python26\python.exe bash.py


What messages does it display in the command line window when you do this?

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Taken directly from the HTML Readme included with Wrye Bash. Under installation - common problems :

• If, when installing wxPython, you did not see the usual installation wizard dialog, then you almost certainly downloaded a corrupted version of wxPython. Re-download it. Make sure that the downloaded file is larger than a few kB (actually, it should be about 8 Mb).


If that doesn't work, move on to the other steps mentioned. There is an entire section under Installation - Starting Wrye Bash - If Wrye Bash won't Start - Common Problems - and so on. You also need to generate a bug dump to give the actual error. Many times you can solve your problem from this message. Again the information is in the HTML file that comes with Wrye Bash. Be sure you use the resources provided to you.


Quick tip: This only applies if WxPython is installed successfully : If Wrye Bash won't start and you have a pidfile.tmp in your Mopy folder delete it.

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Can't open file bash.py no such file or directory


And when i run pythonw.exe nothing happens... (tried administrator)


Not being able to find bash.py is a problem - were you in the Oblivion\Mopy directory where I asked you to cd to? If you look inside that directory do you see a bunch of files with .py, .pyc, and .pyw extensions? One of them should be bash.py.


In my suggestion, I asked you to run python.exe instead of pythonw.exe specifically so that you would get to see what happens (i.e. read the error messages that pythonw does not show you).

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Yes not being able to find Bash.py is indeed a problem. That would indicate you don't have the proper files in your Mopy folder OR the following, another quote from the ReadMe under common problems

Common Problems

  • • Can't find bash.py
  • Make sure that you chdir to the Mopy directory first.

**Notice bullet 2 in the next list if you're unsure what chdir means or does**


In my previous post I had mentioned about proper installation of WxPython03a. The next sentence after the quote, "If that doesn't work move on to the other steps." was ignored or you would have found more information to help you troubleshoot. Check the Installation section of the ReadMe


Another quote from the HTML ReadMe included with Wrye Bash coming up but first I'd like to emphasize a few things. You really should read the documentation. I've pointed you to it earlier and later I'm going to hotlink you to it. It will tell you common problems amongst other things. As mentioned previously, you need to generate a bug dump. The HTML clearly states this, and how to do generate it. I'll quote exactly what it says, but again I strongly urge you to actually read it yourself. You'd be surprised what happens when you read documentation that comes with software. If you cannot generate a proper bug dump this points back to installation errors. Here is the quote:


Generating the Bugdump

  • • Open a command shell (Start: Programs: Accessories: Command Prompt).
  • • chdir to the Mopy directory. "chdir" means "change directory". E.g.: chdir C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy
  • • Type: c:\python25\python.exe bash.py -d
  • • If you have a different version/location of python, adapt the first argument accordingly.
  • • Doing this will cause any error messages that Bash generates on start to spew to the command shell. This is the bugdump.

That's basically what you were told earlier by Shadowfen except this time the argument to include the bug dump is added to the command line. (-d)


I'm also going to include a link to the online version of the ReadMe, the exact same info included within the downloaded archive of Wrye Bash. Click me! I swear I have useful information! Lots of it! Now if you notice near the top in RED letters you see - If Bash Won't Start. Go check that section out then come back here and paste the bug dump if you're unsure what it means.

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