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Wrye Bash not starting


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Ok, so I did give it another try and again I failed :( Here is what did:


1. I downloaded and installed "Wrye Python 03a" (I said "yes" to every question by the installer).


2. I downloaded "Wrye Bash 289 - Archive Version - Full" and extracted to the Oblivion\data folder.


3. I downloaded "Wrye Bash 290 - Archive Version - Update Only" and extracted to the Oblivion\data folder.


4. I double clicked "Wrye Bash Launcher" as in the below pic:




Uploaded with ImageShack.us


5. Nothing happened when I double-clicked it.


6. I opened "Run" and typed cmd.exe and typed chdir C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy and then typed c:\python26\python.exe bash.py


7. I got the below stuff:




Uploaded with ImageShack.us


And I do not know what to do next. The Wrye Bash readme does not say what I need to do with this bugdump (?). I still made it further than my last try though :)

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Access denied, permissions problem. You have Win 7 and your have installed Oblivion and Wrye Bash in Program Files. UAC is not allowing any files to be accessed or written. Reinstall outside of Program Files to a location such as C:\Games\Oblivion.


Oh and use the 275 Self Installer then update to 290. 289 is bugged to hell so just avoid it at all costs. Although that is not your problem here, it's a permissions problem as stated by the last line of your bug dump. Notice it even says Windows error.

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Access denied, permissions problem. You have Win 7 and your have installed Oblivion and Wrye Bash in Program Files. UAC is not allowing any files to be accessed or written. Reinstall outside of Program Files to a location such as C:\Games\Oblivion.


Oh and use the 275 Self Installer then update to 290. 289 is bugged to hell so just avoid it at all costs. Although that is not your problem here, it's a permissions problem as stated by the last line of your bug dump. Notice it even says Windows error.



Thanks for your reply Smooth613!


So that was my problem all along... I will reinstall Oblivion outside Program Files as you said. I will back up my Data folder and just replace it with the new empty one. I will also reinstall SI and all the official, non-official patches. Hopefully then it will work.


Thanks again!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Screw this! i've done everything you said! i've done tried everything in the read me... Screw wrye s***....


Any way to get FCOM without this crappy s***?


Advice: Dont get Arsy because people are going out of there way to help you.. Im also haveing the same Issue but i aint getting all Emo over it! il get there, just a matter of reading what they said and starting from the beginning, People wont help if you have an attitude.

Edited by hinigashi
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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

I recently started to install the nvamp mods that require wrye flash to be install. Bottom line, program did not want to start/ had the same problems as above comments. I try diferent convinations and no luck.


After several attempts just could not get the program to start. I wanted/using the recent programs until I decide to use the old version.



As of July 25 2011 this is what work for me:


Wrye Python 03a

Install with default settings.


Wrye Bash NV (Wrye Bash NV 13)


Now it works with no shorcuts, no commands, nothing just double click the launcher and off you go.

I hope that help's others with problem not running on Windows 7 (64) I had the Fallout NV folder in c:\Fallout New Vegas just in case.



My problem before was that I was downloading Wrye Python 04a and thinking I was getting the most updated version it was just not working for me but now by installing Wrye Python 03a it works on first try just by double clicking.

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  • 2 years later...

I am not sure if anyone is going to read this since this post is 3 years afer the last one but I need some help with my Wyre Bash installation. I have reinstalled a couple times and the Bash launcher does not work. I went to look o the official website for Wyre Bash and it said to go to the Wyre Bash.exe.log and I did and this is what it tells me.


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Wrye Bash Launcher.pyw", line 91, in <module>
File "bash\bash.pyo", line 279, in main
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'C:\\Windows\\system32\\BashBugDump.log'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Wrye Bash Launcher.pyw", line 91, in <module>
File "bash\bash.pyo", line 279, in main
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'C:\\Windows\\system32\\BashBugDump.log'


I remember the official website saying that the bugdump and the wyre bash.exe.log are the same thing and I can use either one. I think when it says that there is a problem with the line number that there is a code problem, but I could be wrong. I ned help i got little programming skill and the version I am using is 304 and it seems that no ne is having a rpblem with this version from what I can find.

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