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Everything except RaceMenuPlugin.esp Works?


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Hi all,


I have had success with several mods recently. And it was fairly easy to get the basic RaceMenu working... SKSE installed correctly and I don't get the dollar signs that would indicate an obvious problem there. However, nothing I do seems to enable the optional RaceMenuPlugin.esp. I believe I have the approrpiate body and TBBP meshes. Any thoughts? Mods turned on are:


Unofficial Skyrim, Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn patches.

HDT Physics

XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended

HDT B&B Physics

Realistic Ragdolls and Force

UNP Blessed






Mod Organizer shows both "RaceMenu.esp" and "RaceMenuPlugin.esp" checked. Everything seems to work, except for the extra RaceMenuPlugin sliders. I do get a working height slider though, which I though was a part of that plugin so ???.





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Found the answer. The filter does not include the sliders related to the plugin, so if you put in "height", you will see no results except things like "Chin Height". And they are not included under "Body" as one might expect. They are included under a new category far to the right.

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  • 2 years later...

Hi all,


I have had success with several mods recently. And it was fairly easy to get the basic RaceMenu working... SKSE installed correctly and I don't get the dollar signs that would indicate an obvious problem there. However, nothing I do seems to enable the optional RaceMenuPlugin.esp. I believe I have the approrpiate body and TBBP meshes. Any thoughts? Mods turned on are:


Unofficial Skyrim, Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn patches.

HDT Physics

XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended

HDT B&B Physics

Realistic Ragdolls and Force

UNP Blessed






Mod Organizer shows both "RaceMenu.esp" and "RaceMenuPlugin.esp" checked. Everything seems to work, except for the extra RaceMenuPlugin sliders. I do get a working height slider though, which I though was a part of that plugin so ???.





pouco tempo atrás eu conseguia aumentar ou diminuir o tamanho dos seios e glúteos, porem agora simplesmente não tem mais essa opção. cês podemme ajudar?

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