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Character Morphing mod (alignment based)


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I am not a modder myself but i think it would be cool to have a mod where your character morphs depending on his fame and infamy. A bit like the fable morphing where your character grows horns and flashing red eyes when he/she is evil, and blonde hair and blue eyes when you are good. As I have said i could not make the mod myself and i would not even try but i think it would make a good mod for someone with experience. - Kirk
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Well, if you want this to happen in your game, you could go into CS and toggle the deadra race as playable, aswell as adding the option of using the deadra hair ( with horns) for every race.

Then, when you feel like its time for a morph, you open up Console and write Showracemenu, then you could either make your hair blonde and your eyes blue - or use the deadra hair, or change your character to a deadra.


(while changing race in racemenu, your game might crash - so save before you do it)


This is ofc not as cool as an automatic mod, but it fulfills your needs.

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yes i know what you mean but i do not think that would feel the same. i am sort of thinking of a mod that would have you morph slowly, showing that you are getting more infamy/fame. since i am not a modder i dont know how hard that might be
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